Ich habe die Bäume zum Tanzen gebracht
Ich habe die Bäume zum Tanzen gebracht [dancing trees] still frame, 2023
Ich habe die Bäume zum Tanzen gebracht [dancing trees] still frame, 2023
Ich habe die Bäume zum Tanzen gebracht [dancing trees] still frame, 2023
Ich habe die Bäume zum Tanzen gebracht
Modified Kern HE95.1 tracked harvester by Woodex AG
Forestry equipment
Single-channel 4K black and white film, 2.4:1 aspect ratio, 5:1 techno soundtrack, 22’46’’
Swiss state forest
The quiet of the forest is crushed and juxtaposed by deconstructed acid techno beats with synthesized sounds of the forest and breaking of tree trunks. Seemingly impossible movements are made by trees reaching heights of up to 60 meters. An homage to their life, honoring them with a first and last waltz through the forest. Hiding the extreme violence being enforced on them and repurposing the machinery designed to kill and fell them. After a short love dance, they fall to their death, seemingly relieved from their movements after breaking free from hundreds of still standing years.
Following their fall, the landscape changes. Light breaks through a new gap in the forest and the forest seems as if nothing has been touched, changed, or interrupted.