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The Fires We Started

The Fires We Started, exhibition view, 2024

Past Futures, exhibition view, 2024

Past Futures, exhibition view, 2024

As Sunshine Turns To Stone, exhibition view, 2024

As Sunshine Turns To Stone, exhibition view, 2024

As Sunshine Turns To Stone, exhibition view, 2024

As Sunshine Turns To Stone, exhibition view, 2024

The Fires We Started

Details & MaterialAbout

Exhibition at Casa Bedretto
In the smoke-filled rooms of The Fires We Started, the ambivalences of post-industrial energy production become apparent. The fearful songs of coal mine canaries echo over the dark hum of mining equipment, as helmet lights cast their light beams on anthracite rocks, revealing primordial, petrified landscapes from the Carboniferous period, etched into their surfaces. The solo exhibition interrogates the definitions of the non-human (nature) and explores psychoanalytical observations on the fires that fuel our world. Berro’s works juxtapose humanity's desires for progress with life and its eventual entombment within the geological continuum.

The Fires We Started reunites the materials vital for contemporary energy production with their primordial origins and the stories of long-forgotten atmospheres. The exhibition accentuates the ambivalent nature of fire as a force of both creation and destruction – a source of warmth, and light, but also of danger and pain. The hidden latent powers of minerals and petrified sunshine ignite the imagination and connect to a deeper psychological state, transforming human interaction with “nature” and the industrialization of warmth. These themes resonate throughout the exhibition, bringing to light what is usually concealed or disregarded.